




1.    Παππάς, Χ. και Λ. Βουτσινάς (1987). Μελέτη της ποιότητας του νωπού πρόβειου γάλακτος της περιοχής Ιωαννίνων και προτάσεις ποιοτικών κριτηρίων για τη βελτίωσή του. Γεωργική έρευνα 11: 265 - 278.

2.    Παππάς, Χ., Π. Α. Ασημακόπουλος, Κ. Ι. Ιωαννίδης, Α. Α. Πάκου, Μ. Καραγιάννης και Α. Σ. Μάντζιος (1987). Μελέτη των επεξεργασιών, που συμβάλλουν στην αποβολή του ραδιοκαισίου από το τυρί Φέτα. Πρακτικά Συμποσίου: Οι επιπτώσεις του ατυχήματος Τσερνομπίλ στην Ελλάδα. ΕΚΕΦΕ "Δημόκριτος" 19-20 Νοεμβρίου 1987, Αγία Παρασκευή Αττικής.

3.    Pappas, C. and L. Voutsinas (1988).Effect of acidification of sheep's cheese whey with organic acids on the retention of protein and on the quality of Myzithra cheese. Journal of Dairy Research 55: 247 - 254.

4.    Voutsinas, L. P., C. Delegiannis, M. C. Katsiari and C. Pappas (1988). Chemical composition of Boutsiko ewe milk during lactation. Milchwissenschaft 43: 766, 769 - 771.

5.    Pappas, C., L. P. Voutsinas and H. Mallatou (1989). Oxidation-reduction potential of sheep's milk and its relation to bacteriological quality. Milchwissenschaft 44: 21 - 24.

6.    Pappas, C. P., P. A. Assimakopoulos, K. G. Ioannides, A. A. Pakou and A. S. Mantzios (1989). Processes which contribute to radiocesium decontamination of Feta cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 72: 1081 - 1091.

7.    Voutsinas, L., C. Pappas and M. Katsiari (1990). The composition of Alpine goat's milk during lactation in Greece. Journal of Dairy Research 57: 41 - 51.

8.    Pappas, C. P., P. A. Assimakopoulos, K. G. Ioannides, A. A. Pakou and A. S. Mantzios (1990). Possibilities for radiocesium decontamination of Kefalograviera cheese through modification at the standard manufacture method. Journal of Dairy Science 73: 3042 - 3049.

9.    Ioannides, K. G., A. S. Mantzios and C. P. Pappas (1991). Influence of Prussian blue in reducing transfer of radiocesium into ovine milk. Health Physics 60: 261 - 264.

10.    Simos, E., L. P. Voutsinas and C. P. Pappas (1991). Composition of milk of native Greek goats in the region of Metsovo. Small Ruminant Research 4: 47 - 60.

11.    Μaipa, V., C. Papadopoulou, C. P. Pappas, D. Dimitriou, L. Voutsinas and H. Mallatou (1993). Survival of Salmonella enteritidis during the manufacture of Feta cheese made of pasteurized ewe's milk. Zentralbl. Microbiol. 148:66 - 73.

12.    Papadopoulou, C., V. Maipa, D. Dimitriou, C. P. Pappas, L. Voutsinas and H. Mallatou (1993). Behavior of Salmonella enteritidis during the manufacture, ripening and storage of Feta cheese made from unpasteurized ewe's milk. Journal of Food protection 56: 25 - 28,41.

13.    Assimakopoulos P.A., K.G. Ioannides, A.A. Pakou, A.S. Mantzios and C.P. Pappas (1993). Transport of radiocaesium from a sheep's diet to its tissues. The Science of Total Environment 136:1 - 11.

14.    Κatsiari, M. C. and L. P. Voutsinas (1994). Manufacture of low-fat Feta Cheese. Food Chemistry 49: 53 - 60.

15.    Katsiari, M. C. and L. P. Voutsinas (1994). Manufacture of low-fat Kefalograviera cheese. International Dairy Journal 4: 533 - 553.

16.    Mallatou, H., C. P. Pappas and L. P. Voutsinas (1994). Manufacture of Feta cheese from sheep's milk, goat's milk or mixtures of these milks. International Dairy Journal 4: 641 - 664.

17.    Pappas, C.P., L. P. Voutsinas and E. Kondyli (1994). Determination of added water in sheep milk by measurements of the freezing point and acidity. Milchwissenschaft 49: 309 - 312.

18.    Pappas, C. P., E. Kondyli, L. P. Voutsinas and H. Mallatou (1994). Effect of standardization of ewes' milk for casein/fat ratio on the composition, organoleptic and rheological properties of Feta cheese. International Dairy Journal 4: 763 - 778.

19.    Voutsinas, L. P., M. C. Katsiari, C. P. Pappas and H. Mallatou (1995). Production of brined soft cheese from frozen ultrafiltered sheep's milk. I. Physicochemical, microbiological and physical stability properties of concentrates. Food Chemistry 52: 227-233.

20.    Voutsinas, L. P., M. C. Katsiari, C. P. Pappas and H. Mallatou (1995). Production of brined soft cheese from frozen ultrafiltered sheep's milk. II. Compositional, physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic properties of cheese. Food Chemistry 52: 235-247.

21.    Voutsinas, L.P., M.C. Katsiari, C.P. Pappas and H. Mallatou (1996). Production of yoghurt from sheep's milk which had been concentrated by reverse osmosis and stored frozen. I. Physicochemical, microbiological and physical stability characteristics of concentrates. Food Research International 29: 403-409.

22.    Voutsinas, L. P., M.C. Katsiari, C. P. Pappas and H. Mallatou (1996). Production of yoghurt from sheep's milk which had been concentrated by reverse osmosis and stored frozen. II. Compositional, microbiological, sensory and physical characteristics of yoghurt. Food Research International 29: 411-416.

23.    Pappas, C.P., E. Kondyli, L.P. Voutsinas and H. Mallatou (1996). Effect of starter level, draining time and ageing on the physicochemical, organoleptic and rheological properties of Feta cheese. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 49: 73-78.

24.    Pappas, C. P., E. Kondyli, L. P. Voutsinas and H. Mallatou (1996). Effects of salting methods on the ripening and quality of Feta cheese. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 49:113-118.

25.    Lalos, G., L.P. Voutsinas, C.P. Pappas and I.G. Roussis (1996). Effect of sub-pasteurization treatment of cold stored ewe's milk on the quality of Feta cheese. Milchwissenschaft 51: 78-82.

26.    Ιοannides, K.G., D.T. Karamanis, Κ.C. Stamoulis, T.J. Mertzimekis, E. Nikolaou, and C.P. Pappas (1996). Reduction of cesium concentration in ovine tissues following treatment with Prussian blue labelled with 59Fe. Health Physics 71: 713-718.

27.    Simos, E.N., E.M. Nikolaou and P.E. Zoiopoulos (1996). Yield, composition and certain physicochemical characteristics of milk of the Epirus mountain sheep breed. Small Ruminant Research 20: 67-74.

28.    Mallatou H., C.P. Pappas, E. Kondyli and T.A. Albanis (1997). Pesticide Residues in Milk and Cheeses of Greece. The Science of the Total Environment 196: 111-117.

29.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas, E. Alichanidis, and I.G. Roussis (1997). Reduction of sodium content in Feta cheese by partial substitution of NaCl by KCl. International Dairy Journal 7: 465-472.

30.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas, E. Alichanidis, and I.G. Roussis (1998). Μanufacture of Kefalograviera cheese with less sodium by partial replacement of NaCl with KCl. Food Chemistry 61: 63-70.

31.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas, E. Alichanidis, and I.G. Roussis (2000). Lipolysis in reduced sodium Feta cheese made by partial substitution of NaCl by KCl. International Dairy Journal 10: 369-373.

32.    Katsiari, M.C., Ε. Alichanidis, L.P. Voutsinas, and I.G. Roussis (2000). Proteolysis in reduced sodium Feta cheese made by partial substitution of NaCl by KCl. International Dairy Journal 10 : 635-646.

33.    Παππάς, Χ. Π., Ε.Χ. Παππά και Ε. Μαλλάτου (2000). Επίδραση των αντιβιοτικών πενικιλίνη, στρεπτομυκίνη, οξυτετρακυκλίνη και ερυθρομυκίνη στην παρασκευή και στην ποιότητα του τυριού Φέτα. Αγροτική Έρευνα 23: 31 -42.

34.    Παππάς Χ. Π., Ε. Μαλλάτου και Ε.Χ. Παππά (2000). Επίδραση του ανθελμινθικού Αlbendazole και των αντιβιοτικών Οxytetracycline, Erythromycin, Benzyl-penicillin και μίγματος Lincomycin και Spectinomycin στην τεχνολογία και στην ποιότητα του τυριού Κεφαλογραβιέρα. Aγροτική ΄Ερευνα 23 (2) : 53-62.

35.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas, E. Alichanidis, and I.G. Roussis (2001). Lipolysis in reduced sodium Kefalograviera cheese made by partial replacement of NaCl with KCl. Food Chemistry 72: 193-197.

36.    Katsiari, M.C., E. Alichanidis, L.P. Voutsinas and I.G. Roussis (2001). Proteolysis in reduced sodium Kefalograviera cheese made by partial replacement of NaCl with KCl. Food Chemistry 73: 31-43.

37.    Boumba, V.A., L.P. Voutsinas and C.D. Philippopoulos (2001). Composition and nutritional value of commercial dried whey products from Feta cheese manufacture. International Journal of Dairy Technology 54 : 141-145.

38.    Lalos, G.T., A.M. Vlachou, E. Kondyli and I.G. Roussis (2001). Proteolysis and lipolysis in full-fat and low-fat Kefalograviera cheese from raw and refrigerated ewe’s milk. Milchwissenschaft 56(3):133-136.

39.    Pappa, H. C. and Anifantakis, E. M. (2001). Effect of concentrated starter cultures on the manufacture of Feta cheese. Milchwissenschaft 56(6): 325-329.

40.    Pappa, H. C. and Anifantakis, E. M. (2001). Effect of different concentrated cultures on the proteolysis and organoleptic characteristics of Feta cheese. Milchwissenschaft 56(7): 384-387.

41.    Κondyli, E. and M.C. Katsiari (2001). Differences in lipolysis of Greek hard cheeses made from sheep’s, goat’s or cow’s milk. Milchwissenschaft 56(8): 444-446.

42.    Κondyli, E. and M.C. Katsiari (2002). Fatty acid composition of raw caprine milk of a native Greek breed during lactation. International Journal of Dairy Technology 55(1): 57-60.

43.    Κondyli, E. and M.C. Katsiari (2002). Fatty acid composition of raw ewe’s milk of Boutsiko breed during lactation. Milchwissenschaft 57(2): 74-76.

44.    Katsiari, Μ.C., L.P. Voutsinas and E. Kondyli (2002). Manufacture of yoghurt from stored frozen sheep’s milk. Food Chemistry 77(4) : 413-420.

45.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas, Ε. Kondyli and E. Alichanidis (2002). Flavour enhancement of low-fat Feta-type cheese using a commercial adjunct culture. Food Chemistry 79 (2) : 193-198.

46.    Κondyli, E., M.C. Katsiari, Τ. Μasouras and L.P. Voutsinas (2002). Free fatty acids and volatile compounds of low-fat Feta type cheese made with a commercial adjunct culture. Food Chemistry 79 : 199-205.

47.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas and Ε. Kondyli (2002). Improvement of sensory quality of low-fat Kefalograviera-type cheese with commercial adjunct cultures. International Dairy Journal 12 (9): 757-764.

48.    Μallatou, H., C.P. Pappas and T. Albanis (2002). Βehaviour of pesticides lindane and methyl parathion during manufacture, ripening and storage of Feta cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 55: 211-216.

49.    Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas and Ε. Kondyli (2002). Improvement of sensory quality of low-fat Kefalograviera-type cheese by using commercial special starter cultures. Journal of Dairy Science 85: 2759-2767.

50.    Vassila, E., Kondyli, I. Savvaidis and M.G. Kontominas (2002). Chemical and microbiological changes in fluid milk as affected by packaging conditions. International Dairy Journal 12: 715-722.

51.    Kondyli, E., Μassouras, Τ., Katsiari, M.C. and L.P. Voutsinas (2003). Free fatty acids and volatile compounds in low-fat Kefalograviera-type cheese made with commercial adjunct cultures. International Dairy Journal 13 : 47-54.

52.    Michaelidou, A., Katsiari, M.C., Kondyli, E., Voutsinas, L.P. and E. Alichanidis (2003). Effect of a commercial adjunct culture on proteolysis in low-fat Feta-type cheese. International Dairy Journal 13 : 179-189.

53.    Μallatou, H., Ε.C. Pappa and T. Massouras (2003). Changes in free fatty acids during ripening of Teleme cheese made with ewe’s, goat’s cow’s or a mixture of ewe’s and goat’s milk. International Dairy Journal 13: 211-219.

54.    Kondyli, E., Μassouras, Τ., Katsiari, M.C. and L.P. Voutsinas (2003). Lipolysis and volatile compounds in low-fat Kefalograviera-type cheese made with commercial special starter cultures. Food Chemistry 82 : 203 - 209.

55.    Michaelidou, A., Katsiari, M.C., Voutsinas, L.P., Kondyli, E. and E. Alichanidis (2003). Effect of commercial adjunct cultures on proteolysis in low-fat Kefalograviera-type cheese. International Dairy Journal 13 : 743-753.

56.    Samelis J. & J.N. Sofos (2003) Organic acids. Chapter 6. In “Natural Antimicrobials for the Minimal Processing of Foods” Ed. S. Roller. CRC Press. Woodhead Publishing Co., London, UK. 98 - 132.

57.    Samelis, J. & J.N. Sofos (2003) Strategies to Control Stress-Adapted Pathogens. Chapter 9. In “Microbial Stress Adaptation and Food Safety” Eds. A.E. Yousef and V.K. Juneja. CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, USA. pp. 303-351.

58.    Samelis, J. & J.N. Sofos (2003) Yeasts in Meat and Meat Products. Chapter 9. In “Yeasts in Food” Eds. T. Boekhout and V. Robert. Behr’s Verlag, Hamburg, Germany. pp. 239-265.

59.    Samelis, J., Kakouri, A., Rogga, K.J., Savvaidis, I.N. & Kontoninas, M.G. (2003) Nisin treatments to control Listeria monocytogenes post-processing contamination on Anthotyros, a traditional Greek whey cheese, stored at 4oC in vacuum packages. Food Microbiology 20 : 661-669.

60.    Μoyssiadi, T., Badeka, A., Kondyli, E., Vakirtzi, T., Savvaidis, I. & Kontominas, M.G. (2004) Effect of light transmittance and oxygen permeability of various packaging materials on keeping quality of low fat pasteurized milk : chemical and sensorial aspects. International Dairy Journal 14 : 429-436.

61.    Μallatou, H., E. Pappa and V. Boumba (2004). Proteolysis in Teleme cheese made from ewes’, goats’ or mixtures of ewes’ and goats’ milk. International Dairy Journal 14 : 977 - 987.

62.    Zygoura, P., Moyssiadi, T., Badeka, A., Kondyli, E., Savvaidis, I. & Kontominas, M.G. (2004) Shelf life of whole pasteurized milk in Greece : effect of packaging material. Food Chemistry 87: 1-9.

63.    Μallatou, H., C.P. Pappas and T. Albanis (2004). Study of binding of methyl parathion to cow’s casein in model systems and in ewe’s milk. International Journal of Environmental and Analytical chemistry 84 : 143-148.

64.    Rogga K.J., J. Samelis, A. kakouri, M.C. Katsiari, I.N. Savvaidis and M.G. Kontominas (2005). Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in Galotyri, a traditional Greek soft acid-curd cheese, stored aerobically at 4ºC and 12ºC. International Dairy Journal 15: 59-67

65.    Samelis J., A. Kakouri, I.N. Savvaidis K. Riganakos and M.G. Kontominas (2005). Use of ionizing radiation doses of 2 and 4 kGy to control Listeria spp. And Escherichia coli O 157: H7 on frozen meat trimmings used for dry fermented sausage production. Meat Science 70: 189-195.

66.    Samelis, J. (2005) Meat Decontamination and Pathogen Stress Adaptation. Chapter 24. In “Improving the Safety of Fresh Meat” Ed. J.N. Sofos. CRC Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. pp. 562-591.

67.    Kondyli, E., M.L. Andersen and L.H. Skibsted (2005). Evaluation of the oxidative stability of goat milk by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (ERS). Milchwissenschaft 60: 271-274.

68.    Μallatou, H., and E. C. Pappa (2005). Comparison of the characteristics of teleme cheese made from ewe’s, goats and cow’s milk or a mixture of ewe’s and goat’s milk. International Journal of Dairy Technology 58: 158-163.

69.    Manolaki P., M.C. Katsiari and E. Alichanidis (2006). Effect of a commercial adjunct culture on organic acid contents of low-fat Feta-type cheese. Food Chemistry 98: 658-663.

70.    Chouliara, I., Samelis, J., Kakouri, A., Badeka, A., Savvaidis, I.N., Riganakos, K. & Kontominas, M.G. (2006). Effect of irradiation of frozen meat/fat trimmings on microbiological and physicochemical attributes of dry fermented sausages. Meat Science, 74, 303-311.

71.    Lekkas C., Kakouri, A., Paleologos, E., Voutsinas, L.P., Kontominas, M.G. & Samelis, J. (2006) Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Galotyri cheese stored at 4 and 12oC. Food Microbiology, 23, 268-276.

72.    Massouras T., E.C. Pappa, H. Mallatou (2006). Headspace analysis of volatile flavour compounds of Teleme cheese made from sheep and goat milk. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 59, 250-256.

73.    Papachristou C., A. Badeka, E. Chouliara, E. Kondyli, A. Athanasoulas, M. G. Kontominas (2006) Evaluation of polyethylene terephtalate as a packaging material for premium quality whole pasteurized milk in Greece. Part I: storage in the dark. European Food Research and Technology, 223, 711-718.

74.    Papachristou C., A. Badeka, E. Chouliara, E. Kondyli, L. Kourtis, M. G. Kontominas (2006) Evaluation of polyethylene terephtalate as a packaging material for premium quality whole pasteurized milk in Greece. Part I: storage under fluorescent light. European Food Research and Technology, 224, 237-247.

75.    Pappa E.C., A.C. Pappas, P.F. Surai (2006). Selenium content in selected foods from the Greek market and estimation of the daily intake. Science of the Total Environment, 372, 100-108.

76.    Pappa E.C., I.K. Kandarakis, G.K. Zerfiridis, E.M. Anifantakis, K. Sotirakoglou (2006). Influence of starter cultures on the proteolysis of Teleme cheese made from different types of milk. Le Lait, 86, 273-290.

77.    Pappa E.C., I. Kandarakis, E.M. Anifantakis, G.K. Zerfiridis. (2006). Influence of types of milk and culture on the manufacturing practices, composition and sensory characteristics of Teleme cheese during ripening. Food Control, 17, 570-581.

78.    Samelis, J. (2006) Managing Microbial Spoilage in the Meat Industry. Chapter 9. In “Food Spoilage Microorganisms” Ed. C. de W. Blackburn. CRC Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK. pp. 213-286.

79.    Samelis, J., Bjorkroth, J., Kakouri, A., & Rementzis, J. (2006) Leuconostoc carnosum associated with spoilage of refrigerated whole cooked hams in Greece. Journal of Food Protection, 69, 2268-2273.

80.    Kondyli E., M.C. Katsiari, L.P. Voutsinas (2007) Variations of vitamin and mineral contents in raw goat milk of the indigenous Greek breed during lactation. Food Chemistry, 100, 226-230.

81.    Kondyli E., M.C. Katsiari, L.P. Voutsinas (2007) Amino acid composition and nutritional value of goat milk from the indigenous Greek breed. Milchwissenschaft, 62(2), 164-166.

82.    Michaelidou A., M.C. Katsiari, L.P. Voutsinas, A. Polychroniadou and E. Alichanidis (2007). Effect of multiple-species starters on peptide profile and free amino acids in low-fat Kefalograviera-type cheese. Food Chemistry 104: 800-807.

83.    Pappa E.C., I. Kandarakis, H. Mallatou (2007). Effect of different types of milks and cultures on the rheological characteristics of Teleme cheese. Journal of Food Engineering, 79, 143-149.

84.    Samelis, J., & Kakouri, A. (2007) Microbial and safety qualities of PDO Galotyri cheese manufactured at the industrial or artisan scale in Epirus, Greece. Italian Journal of Food Science, 19, 91-99.

85.    Bontinis, T.G., Mallatou, H., Alichanidis, E., Kakouri, A. & Samelis, J. (2008) Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory changes during ripening and storage of Xinotyri, a traditional Greek cheese from raw goat’s milk. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 61, 229-236.

86.    Georgieva, R.N., Iliev, I.N., Chipeva, V.A., Dimitonova, S.P., Samelis, J. & Danova, S.T. (2008) Identification and in vitro characterisation of Lactobacillus plantarum strains from artisanal Bulgarian white brined cheeses. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 48, 234-244.

87.    Kondyli E., M.C. Katsiari, L.P. Voutsinas (2008) Chemical and sensory characteristics of Galotyri-type cheese made using different procedures. Food Control, 19, 301-308.

88.    Pappa E.C., J.A. Robertson, N.M. Rigby, F. Mellon, I. Kandarakis, E.N.C. Mills (2008). Application of proteomic techniques to protein and peptide profiling of Teleme cheese made from different types of milk. International Dairy Journal, 18, 605-614.

89.    Pappa E.C., K. Sotirakoglou (2008). Changes of free amino acid content of Teleme cheese made with different types of milk and culture. Food Chemistry, 111, 606-615.

90.    Giannou, E., Kakouri, A., Bogovic-Matijasic, B., Rogelj, I., & Samelis, J. (2009) Fate of Listeria monocytogenes on fully ripened Greek Graviera cheese stored at 4, 12, or 25oC in air or vacuum packages: in situ PCR detection of a cocktail of bacteriocins potentially contributing to pathogen inhibition. Journal of Food Protection, 72, 531-538.

91.    Giannou, E., Lianou, A., Kakouri, A., Kallimanis, A., Drainas, C. & Samelis, J. (2009) Identification and biopreservation potential of Enterococcus spp. isolated from fully ripened Graviera, a traditional hard Greek cheese. Italian Journal of Food Science, 21, 135-147.

92.    Katsiari M.C., E. Kondyli, L.P. Voutsinas (2009) The quality of Galotyri-type cheese made with different starter cultures. Food Control, 20, 113-118.

93.    Pappa E.C., K. Sotirakoglou (2009). Effect of brine time and starter cultures on changes in pH, moisture and salt-in-moisture content of white-brined sheep, goat and cow milk cheeses. Milchwissenschaft, 64, 267-271.

94.    Samelis, J., Lianou, A., Kakouri, A., Delbes, C., Rogelj, I., Bogovic-Matijasic, B. & Montel, M.C. (2009) Changes in the microbial composition of raw milk induced by thermization treatments applied prior to traditional Greek hard cheese processing. Journal of Food Protection, 72, 783-790.

95.    Samelis, J., Giannou, E., & Lianou, A. (2009) Assuring growth inhibition of listerial contamination during processing and storage of traditional Greek Graviera cheese: compliance with the new European Union regulatory criteria for Listeria monocytogenes. Journal of Food Protection, 72, 2264-2271.

96.    Samelis, J., Kakouri, A., Pappa, E.C., Matijašic, B.B., Georgalaki, M.D., Tsakalidou, E. & Rogelj, I. (2010) Microbial stability and safety of traditional Greek Graviera cheese: characterization of the lactic acid bacterial flora and culture-independent detection of bacteriocin genes in the ripened cheeses and their microbial consortia. Journal of Food Protection, 73, 1294-1303.

97.    Samelis, J., Bleicher, A., Delbes-Paus, C., Kakouri, A., Neuhaus, K. & Montel, M.-C. (2011) FTIR-based polyphasic identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Greek Graviera cheese. Food Microbiology, 28, 76-83.

98.    Trmčič, A., Samelis, J., Monnet, C., Rogelj, I. & Matijašic, B.B. (2011) Complete nisin A gene cluster from Lactococcus lactis M78 (HM219853): obtaining the nucleic acid sequence and comparing it to other published nisin sequences. Genes & Genomics, 33, 217-221.

99.    Kondyli, E., Svarnas, C., Samelis, J. & Katsiari, M.C. (2012) Chemical composition and microbiological quality of ewe and goat milk of native Greek breeds. Small Ruminant Research, 103, 194-199.

100. Kondyli, E., Pappa E.C.,  Vlachou A.M., (2012) Effect of package type on the composition and volatile compounds of Feta cheese 108, 95-101.

101. Th.G. Bontinis, H. Mallatou, E.C. Pappa, Th. Massouras, E. Alichanidis, (2012) Study of proteolysis, lipolysis and volatile profile of  a traditional Greek goat cheese (Xinotyri) during ripening.















Research projects (ongoing)

  1. “Study of the traditional whey cheese Urda” Three-year research project (2009-2012) funded by the municipality of Konitsa, Ioannina Prefecture. Scientific responsible: Dr. E. Pappa. Co-responsible researchers: Dr. H. Mallatou (retired, 31-10-2011) and Dr. J. Samelis. Funding: 13.412 euros.
  2. “Study of the quality of Feta cheese ripened and stored in wooden barrels or tin vessels”. Project funded by the Ioannina Prefecture. Scientific responsible researcher: Dr. E. Kondyli.

Research projects (under evaluation)

1.    «New ripening room monitoring technology for improving cheese ripening processes efficiency-SMART-RIPE» (FP7-KBBE-2012-6-single stage)
2.    «Innovation and development of milk and cheeses with biofunctional properties and their biomedical evaluation as rural and mediterranean diet development strategy» (INTERREG IVA Greece-Italy)



Since its establishment in 1984, DRI has conducted considerable research and training-dissemination work, with a significant impact on the Greek dairy sector and traditional cheese production. Most of the DRI research work has been published in international scientific journals and/or presented in international and national scientific congresses or symposia (viz. Publications). Specifically, up to date the DRI activities have been focused on the following main research topics and objectives:

  • Study of the chemical and microbiological quality of ewe and goat milk of native Greek (Epirus) breads
  • Validation and application of suitable methods and processes for the detection of various residues in milk and milk products
  • Standardization of traditional Greek cheeses – Improving cheese quality, hygiene and safety by various classical and innovative approaches
  • Development of new products based on milk – Production of cheeses with reduced fat and sodium (NaCl) content
  • Applying modern/advanced technologies in the production of milk products
  • Protecting consumer health – Study of the behavior of milk-borne pathogenic bacteria in traditional Greek (PDO) cheeses – compliance of current research needs and control measures with the EU Regulation 1441/2007


Most of the above activities have been supported financially by collaborative research projects between DRI and other scientific or industrial partners at both national and international level, mainly bilateral or multilateral EU projects. Specifically, DRI has co-participated in funded collaborative actions with the University of Ioannina (Laboratory of Medicine, Nuclear Physics, Industrial Chemistry and Food Chemistry), Agricultural University of Athens, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Agricultural Experimental Station of Ioannina, DODONI S.A. milk industry, traditional cheese plants Pappas Bros. and Karalis S.A., the Greek Food Industries Association (SEVT), as well as with research units in other EU countries, such as INRA-France, Technical University of Munchen (TUM)-Germany, University of Ljubljana (UL)-Slovenia, and University degli studi di Bari and Centro Ricerca Animale (CRA) Italy.

Research project funds provided by: the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), the Greek Ministry of Agriculture, the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology, the Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE), the European Commission (FAIR, AIR, 6FP), NATO, various milk industries and the Municipality of Epirus.